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Mika Liss

Mika Liss
Chief Operating Officer NeuroLeadership Institute As COO, the focus of my role is two-fold: The end-to-end customer experience Inter-team and/or systems infrastructure to support our clients and peoples At NLI, we’ve designed the COO role to evolve with the changing needs of the company and yet stay the same in terms of constantly and consistently making sure we all have the tools we need to do our jobs to the best of our abilities. Prior to NLI, I worked in the Israeli high tech industry at a publicly traded, global information technology and services firm. I joined that company when it was a start-up and grew with it from twenty-five people in one country into an international firm with six hundred employees in more than six countries. I’ve held leadership roles in full Profit & Loss ownership, talent strategy and management, marketing, corporate communications, and sales operations; lived in Tel Aviv, London, Paris, Atlanta, and New York City; and led stock exchange listings, company re-brand initiatives, and mergers and acquisitions. Throughout my career, I’ve been a partner to the CEO/founder, Board members, investors, and other stakeholders. My guiding principle: put sales and clients at the center of strategy. I also teach at New York University and hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s in English Literature from New York University and Hunter College, respectively.

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Mind the (Six-Foot) Gap, and Then Bridge It

Posted by Mika Liss on May 5, 2020 11:30:00 AM

Why is solitary confinement considered among the worst punishments for people? Because our social fabric significantly contributes to mental health; taking it away jeopardises our individual and collective stability.

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Topics: Performance

‘Befriend the Pandemic’: A Different Perspective on Current Events

Posted by Mika Liss on Apr 15, 2020 1:45:00 PM

Here, at NLI, we talk a lot about defying conventional wisdom, and instead heeding what research tells us. Core to that choice is embracing the importance of challenging the norm.

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Topics: Culture & Leadership

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